In my book, Finding Artemisia, Artemisia struggles with alienation and isolation in her daily struggle with eating and body
image. She writes about it in her Oracle
Here's what she says is the way out: LOVE
LOVEHere's what she says is the way out: LOVE
Love on Earth can often hide, And we can be fooled by its disguise.
No definitions of it we can command;
It is not supplied on-demand.
It gives freely without conditions;
It sings sweetly of soft renditions.
It blossoms in flowers and exudes rich perfume.
It sings from a bird’s throat in the morning
And at noon.
It shines in the night sky of unfathomable depth.
And it lives in the eyes of all who have wept.
To taste it, you just need to be awake;
It’s in the smile of your mate.
It’s in a lover’s perfume,
And it’s in the solitude of your room.
Do not despair when you think you can’t find it,
--From The Oracle