In my book Finding Artemisia, Artemisia is a 14 year old girl with anorexia. She
calls her collection of thoughts, drawings and poetry The Oracle. One of the most touching poems in The Oracle is her ODE TO
If I were Marilyn Monroe, the famous beauty queen,
And you, the wise professor, with thoughts and words to preen,
I’d prance about and whimper and wait impatiently
For your wise and golden knowledge to graciously encompass me.
And when you finally would appear, with thoughts and words in hand,
I’d toss my hair and bare my breasts and bleat of the love you’d fanned.
You’d smile perhaps a little, but seriousness soon would grow,
As you carefully consider how I fit with what you know.
“The pleasures of the flesh I have chosen to ignore,
I seek the greater things in life, the sea, not just the shore.”
And I would smile as teardrops fell on beauty spots that cried,
“I’ll know that all too soon, my friend, for I’m about to die.
You’ve failed to see my beauty; you’ve been blinded by your eye.
Your mind is crammed with things you know,
And your heart’s afraid to fly.”
So now the world does mourn me, and all the ghosts do sigh.
But you once had your chance, and you sooner had me die.
Finding Artemisia: a journey into ancient women's business. p36 www.findingartemisia.com
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